3rd Grade Male Dog wearing his red and white swim trunks.
3rd Grade Male Dog wearing his summer clothes.
3rd Grade Male Dog (next to 3rd Grade Female Rabbit) wearing his black and white sweater.
3rd Grade Male Dog with a pink backpack.
3rd Grade Male Dog with Kenny. He is wearing his summer clothes.
3rd Grade Male Dog in the in the school's hallways.
With everyone else and shocked at Sue Ellen's actions.
3rd Grade Male Dog with the other characters including Arthur.
3rd Grade Male Dog listening to D.W.
3rd Grade Male Dog laughing with the other kids at Arthur's underwear!
3rd Grade Male Dog with 3rd Grade Female Cat.
3rd Grade Male Dog holding hands with one of his friends 3rd Grade Female Rabbit.
Being evacuated from school on the day of the
April 9th fire.
Cheering among the other students. He's the one sitting next to Arthur opposite of Francine.