Arthur Wiki
Matalii ja Mustii
Matalij Ja Mustii
Artist Traditional (arr. Tom Nyman, Karl Reiman, Tommi Viksten) (writers)
Värttinä (performers)
Binky (band) (in-universe)
Runtime 2:57 (Seleniko)
2:45 (Arthur and Friends: The First Almost Real Not Live CD (or Tape))
Played in Binky Rules (episode)

Matalii Ja Mustii

"Matalii ja Mustii" (Finnish: "Shallow and Black") is a folk song by the Finnish folk music group Värttinä. It was first released in 1992 for the album Seleniko.

It appears in Season 3, Episode 6: Binky Rules (episode) and Meet Binky, and is sung by the holographic fictional band Binky within the context of the episode.

The song appears in the 1998 series album Arthur and Friends: The First Almost Real Not Live CD (or Tape) as "Matalii ja Mustii (The Binky Song)".


Original lyrics[1] English translation[2]

Lauletaas me nuoret tytöt

Että muutkin kuulee

Ettei meitä tään kylän pojat

Vallan mykiks luule

Surut eitän pitkin teitä

Ilot otan myötä

Missä näen nätin pojan

Siellä olen yötä

Tälläisiikös tässä kyläs

Parraat pojat onkii

Niinku siat riihen eessä

Toisiansa tonkii

Niinhä nuokii pojat onku

Muurin takkaa tullu

Joka tuonki pojan ottaa

Se on aivan hullu

Tään kylän pojat pittäis panna

Yhteen aijan rakkoo

Hohtimilla rutistaa

Ja vasaralla takkoo

Tässä kyläss likat on ku

Paatin nenäpuita

Meijn kylän tytöt on ku

Tauluun maalatuita

Tämän kylän tytöt ne on

Pienii pallukoita

Matalia, mustia ku


Tämän kylän tytöt ne on

Matalii ja mustii

Meijän kylän varikset on

Samallaisii justiin

Mie se oon se pikku likka

Pikkunen ku kissa

Enkä muualla oliskaan

Ku poikain kammarissa

Synniks sitä sanotaan ja

Syntihän se lieneen

Ruveta ja heretä sen

Hurjan pojan viereen

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Niinku sinnuu rakastin

Ja saman verran muita

Leikilläni halasin ja

Suikkasin mie suuta

Hella luuli ett mie suren

Enkä sinne päinkään

Uusi ol jo kahottuna

Ennenku vanha jäikään

Elä sure, elä huoli

Elä poika raukka

Miustä saat sie hyvän akan

Juomarin ja laiskan

Heila minnuu moitiskelee

Kun mie viinaa nautin

Vaan ei jaksa halata

Jos vettä juo kuin hauki

Tuolta tullee sorja poika

Voi sitä onnetonta

Kun ei tiedä kenen ottaa

Kun meitä on näin monta

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Let us young girls sing

So that others will hear too

So that this village's boys don't

Think us quite mute

Sorrows I'll throw along the road

And joys I'll take with me

Where I see a pretty boy

There I'll stay the night

So this is what this village's

Best boys are like

Like pigs in front of the drying-house

They're nudging each other

These boys are like

Something from behind the wall

Anyone who takes that one

Must be crazy

The boys in this village should be put

Into a single gap in the fence

Squeeze with pliers

And forge with a hammer

The girls in this village are like

The front of a boat

Our village's girls are like

Figures in a painting

The girls in this village are

Little balls

Short and black

Like tarred shoes

The girls in this village are

Short and black

Our village's crows

Are just like that

I'm that little girl

Tiny like a cat

And I wouldn't be anywhere else

But in the boys' rooms

People call it a sin

And a sin I suppose it is

To go and to lie

Next to that wild boy

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Just so I loved you

And just as much others

For a lark I hugged you

And gave you kisses

Sweetheart thought I was grieving

But I do nothing of the sort

A new one was in my sights

Before the old was left behind

Don't you grieve, don't you worry

You poor boy

Of me you'll get a great wife

Drunk and lazy

My sweetheart chides me

Because I enjoy the booze

But one doesn't have strength to embrace

If one drinks water like a pike

There comes a fine lad

Pity the poor thing

Won't know which to take

When there are so many of us

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the song is set in G major then C major

