Arthur Wiki
Patty Jones
Patty Jones
Gender Female
Animal Cat
Hair color Dark amber
Complexion Moderate gamboge
Job Newscaster, actress
Cartoon debut "The Last of Mary Moo Cow"
Voiced by Heidi Foss[1][2]

Patty Jones is the woman who played Mary Moo Cow, who later appeared as a newscaster for the TV show $tock Market Today.

D.W. thought she was very boring because of $tock Market Today, until she found out she played Mary Moo Cow.

Appearance and personality[]

She is a cat with dark skin and short brown hair. She wears a white ruffled shirt with a teal suit coat over it. She is not enthusiastic when she speaks.

Episode appearances[]

Only appearances of her without the Mary Moo Cow suit are counted.



