Arthur Wiki
USA map Buster Makes Grade

A map of the USA, showing the 50 states. "Buster Makes the Grade"


Cheikh and his parents holding American flags and wearing traditional Senegalese clothes. "Citizen Cheikh"

The United States,[1] also known as America,[2][3] the U.S.,[4] or USA,[5] is the country wherein Elwood City is located.[6][7][8][1] Its leader is the President of the United States[9][10] and its people are called Americans.[11]

The United States is in North America.[12][13] The Atlantic Ocean separates the United States from France[14] and from England.[2]

The country is divided into 50 states:[15]

(States with an asterisk (*) are states which are either seen or mentioned in the Arthur and/or Postcards from Buster series. This does not include states which were part of the Word From Us Kids or Postcards From You interstitial segments)

The country also has a capital district (Washington, D.C.)[16][17] and multiple territories, including Puerto Rico.[18]

Important American writings include the Declaration of Independence[19] and the Constitution.[20][21]

In the Arthur series, the specific state where the story takes place is never mentioned, leaving it unclear. However, it's implied the series is set in the U.S. based on the language and the use of the U.S. dollar. Additionally, in one episode, D.W. and her family take a weekend trip to Washington, D.C., suggesting they live in a nearby state, which means they likely live in a northeastern state.[22] But again, this is unclear. In the episode "Citizen Cheikh," D.W. also discovers that she, her brother, their friend Bud, and many of their peers are U.S. citizens, as she learns that Cheikh and his family are in the process of becoming citizens themselves.[23]. This would mean that the series takes place in the United States.

Also, some states, such as Iowa, Minnesota, Maine, and others were mentioned and/or seen during the A Word From Us Kids and Postcards From You interstitial segments during the series.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "And so, from covered wagons to Cadillacs, the Crosswires have kept the transport industry alive and thriving in the United States for over 100 years."Wolf Blitzen, "Background Blues"
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Fountain Abbey"
  3. "Buster's Amish Mismatch"
  4. "No way! It's like those American TV shows I watched when I was a young kid in Ecuador. They made me think that every kid in the U.S. went surfing after school [...]"Alberto Molina to Arthur Read, "Dear Adil"
  5. See image from "Buster Makes the Grade"
  6. "This is America, Arthur. Everybody's supposed to get an equal chance."D.W. Read to Arthur Read, "D.W. the Copycat"
  7. "I'm afraid Sue Ellen's going to have to take an extra American History class. She just hasn't spent enough time in this country."Nigel Ratburn, "Kids are from Earth, Parents are from Pluto"
  8. "Elwood City Turns 100!"
  9. "Arthur's Perfect Christmas"
  10. "Buster's Growing Grudge"
  11. Citizen Cheikh
  12. "Happy Anniversary"
  13. "Best of the Nest"
  14. "D.W.'s Backpack Mishap"
  15. "Well, how am I ever gonna get a 'B'? I can barely name the thirty states of America."
    "Buster, there are fifty states!"
    Buster Baxter and Muffy Crosswire, "Buster Makes the Grade"
  16. D.W. Goes to Washington
  17. A Capital Egg Hunt
  18. Treasure Island (episode)
  19. "Buster Makes the Grade"
  20. "D.W. Goes to Washington"
  21. "The Election"
  22. D.W. Goes to Washington
  23. Citizen Cheikh
